Armani Alicea’s Eulogy
When God said let there be light, I know he had Armani on his mind.
How do you write about your best friend? How do you tell these other people that love him as much as you do how you feel? Do you tell them stories? Do you tell them memories? Do they even care about your memories when they have so many built up in their own hearts, why even listen to yours?
These are the questions I asked myself as I started writing this eulogy about Armani. My hearted answered the questions for me as I began thinking about him. Anything I share up here you will feel as well because you in your heart loved Armani too. My heart hurts so bad since receiving that phone call on a Monday morning. That was the worst way to start a week ever. I was in shambles. I was shook. I was broken in half. I’ve cried like never before. I’ve never wanted to be in another state so bad. I’ve never felt for someone else the way I’ve felt for Kelly in that moment of her telling me what happened and how his condition was. My shoes for the first time ever felt like they were in someone else’s feet. My pain was irrelevant and all I could think about was her and Gigi. Ever since that Monday, my heart has been a vicious rollercoaster through the book of psalms. I’ve felt everything. This tragedy has defeated me, empowered me, stripped me down, inspired me, it’s confused me, then clarity happens, It’s made me anxious and then peace out of nowhere. My body wants to feel but my spirit wants to fight. Fight to see what the Lord God almighty is doing through my friends life and passing. The bible says in John 16:33 Jesus says
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Everyone in this room knows Armani took up his own cross daily. Armani’s heart, generosity, love, and affection was a transparent reflection of who Christ was. Armani treated people with love, respect, and had a smile and a laugh that still rings in my head as I write this. You know how many times I said “Damn Ima miss you dog” in between these lines on this paper im reading.
Armani was growing in his faith with God these last 6 months, like im sure a lot of us were. Armani was reading his Bible, he even brought it and read on vacation with his fiancee Kelly. When is the last time you brought your bible on vacation… We need God. Everyday. Not just on Sundays. Armani was getting God in his heart more and more every week.. He was already so pure before he read it..
I truly believe God wanted Armani and couldn’t wait another second to be reunited with one of the best humans He ever created. Created by God, Raised by The Aliceas, and Loved by every heart in this room and even more hearts tomorrow.
Was this a tragedy? Yes in the world eyes it was. We as believers of God know we don’t always listen to what the world says though. Bro Armani died doing what he loves. Do you guys realize that?! How many people are lucky enough to say that. Armani died doing what he loved! Armani was out here baby! Armani was on a white water raft just chillen!!! Out on the water in the beautiful wilderness with the love of his life in front of him. The love of his life is the last person he saw before he went to the Kingdom of God. What do you mean this was a tragedy? That’s what they want you think baby! We are all going to die… and Armani died Vibin! Yo Can I get a hallelujah!
Armani and I got to spend 7 years of being brothers man. I had a baby when we met. We still became besties man, you know how many 20 year old dudes wouldn’t be friends with another dude that got a baby! Armani was all love from jump. We instantly became close, I don’t even remember it being a build up. It was one Kanye West concert and dinner at hooters and we are boys from then on! I guess hooters has that effect on 21 year old kids.
Guys! Let’s celebrate him tonight man. Let’s feel what we have to feel but let’s celebrate his life when we think about him. Don’t think about the accident or the condition he was in after that. That was a snap in time compared to the years of his life just being an absolute blessing to every man, woman, and child in here right now. Yes child! Cause Armani love the kids! He definitely showed enormous amounts of love to my son Noah those two years we all lived together.
I’ll be honest, I wish I got to see more of what God was doing with Armanis heart over these last six months. We talked over the phone a few times about it and text about it, but I wish I saw it in person. Luckily everyone else got to see it, and I encourage y’all to keep sharing it with me.
Kelly thank you these past three weeks you have been so great to me and truly make me feel like family to you guys and that means the world to me because that’s exactly how I see you, Gigi, Paco, Daisy, George, Fran.
Kelly can I just tell you something, I miss and love Armani so much that I’m jealous of you… you got to know him so much better than I did. You got to see and experience his heart everyday, hear his laugh everyday, and hear his super chill voice being excited about something. You know his secrets, his childhood stories, and intimate things he would only share with the girl he loved. So try not to be discouraged about not getting to marry him, because I promise you knew him better than any girl in the world. He had eyes for you the day you walked into outback steakhouse and he had eyes for you until he could no longer see. You and I both know and believe in our hearts now all he sees is Jesus, God and Glory. He is in the only place I’m okay with him being. It couldn’t be Chattanooga Tennessee, that place didn’t deserve Mani. There’s only a few places that deserve Armani Alice. Our hearts, our memories, and our heavenly home. Kelly your love for God, never loose that, never go through the motions, you are a voice for his glory in more ways than you know. Don’t loose that because of this passing or anything else that comes your way in the future.
Paco. As a fellow Father who loves his kids more than anything my heart is broken for you. I know how strong, powerful, and faithful you are. But behind every brilliant man such as yourself, I know there is a vulnerable heart. Just know I feel that with you and for you. Paco your energy is infectious and I see where Armani gets it from. Your love for your family is written on your sleeve and your goofy jokes and mannerism can brighten anyones day. I encourage you not to loose that about you because of this… We need Paco to always be Paco, you can hurt differently than we do but please never stop loving people the way you do. This family always has and always will need you at your best.
Daizy. I love you so much! Armani told me at outback the day he found out you had breast cancer. He was so upset. I was shook. It was the first time I’ve ever heard anything like that come out of the mouth of someone I really cared about. I didn’t know you then but I prayed hard you’d be okay. I remember the joy in Armanis voice when he told me you beat it. He was so happy, so relieved, so grateful. I remember how hard it was for him during those seasons of you having it and fighting it.
And when you did, he was so proud of you Daizy. I remember every time he posted about you and every time we spoke about you it was the sweetest thing in the world. He taught me how a son should love his mom. I still fail at it a lot, but hey at least he showed me right. Daizy the way you hug me and go “Hiyahh hello papi. Aww How are you. Hows the babyyyy? You treat everyone with love, and I see where Armani gets it from. The beautiful blend of you and Paco have made Armani loved by many. So I encourage you not to lose that because of this… we need Daizy to always be Daizy.
Franchesca. What I saw, heard and experienced in my seven years of friendship Armani i’ll tell you this… he rocked with you. He loved you! So much, infinity amounts of love. He wanted you to be involved in his life as much as humanly possible. He cared so deeply for you and was so proud to call you his big sister. Your name always came up in our conversations… man I miss our conversations so much guys. I’d do anything for one more. Just know Franchesca you had the best little brother in the world and never forget that. Don’t let this harden your heart.. let it do the opposite.. open your heart to God and your family even more because they will need you more than ever before. God has blessed you immensely and I know you will be okay as we move forward from this weekend.
George, the best man. You are bro. You are the best man! You’ve shown me genuine love from the day we met through just the simple idea of me being one of Armanis other best friends. You and I always got a long great and I’m so sorry for your loss dawg. You’re like me and you lost a brother but I know it hurts you deeper and differently since he is your wife’s little brother too. Armani fricken loved you dude. Every time we be hanging your name would come up! Like bruh you got anything else you wanna talk about…
I loved it though because Armani said your name with such high regard every time. The next thing that proceeded the name George was something beautiful man and I’m so grateful you guys had each other for such an important time of your lives. Y’all grew into manhood together while doing life right and family right. I’m so proud of your success man, but I’m even more proud of the man you have become. I hope you know how big of a role you have in this family. You are the future leader of this family. Gigi has the best support system in the world, but we all know you have a role that nobody else has in her life. I know you’ll make Armani proud and make Gigi feel loved and she will always have a father figure in her life in you. I knew there was a reason you and Armani looked so much alike… (That was supposed to be a joke)
You guys know George likes to touch people as he hugs them and talks to them. Like Dang bro we get it, you missed me… Nah but in all seriousness George makes you feel loved every time he sees you… and George never loose that because of this…
Paco and daisy im jealous you got to know Armani for so long. I wish I knew him when he was a Jit and couldn’t grow a beard. At least I got to know him as a full bearded Jit.
Fun Fact
Armani’s picture that popped up whenever he called my phone
I’m gonna miss my friend. Like we all already do. I know exactly where he is though. He is in heaven experiencing the beautiful eternal life God has promised those who believe in the son. Through Armanis death I’ve experienced a plethora of people coming to God in this season. Majority of them didn’t know much about God except what they were told when they were little. If you don’t know who Jesus is in this room right now, I encourage you to find out because he will change your life. The peace, clarity, and understanding I’ve had about this would have been nonexistent without the relationship I have formed with Jesus in 2020. Speaking of 2020, I’ve cried way to much in 2020. Ima need 2021 to be light…. If you don’t know Jesus please do yourself a favor and find out about Him and experience a love, peace, and understanding about this life and the one after it like you couldn’t even imagine.
When I was 18 years old I came up with an idea for a website called The idea was to write a letter to someone before they passed away. Write what you would say at their celebration of life… Two people were supposed to make the website over the years and they all bailed on me and the idea… Well maybe that idea wasn’t supposed to be some big fancy website.. maybe it was to encourage the people in this room to give someone you love a letter of how you feel about them before it’s too late. Or even just love your people better and spend quality time with them. Make memories again.. Our world has gotten so far away from community, people, and love. Don’t fall into the trap. Do the will of God and love people!
I am looking forward to tomorrow's funeral. Will it be sad? Yeah, it should be sad. Will it be hard on you, yeah it may be hard on you. But remember what Armani was doing in his life he was turning to God, I think we should all do the same. I need this weekend. I needed to see other people that love my friend. Being in Texas for three weeks my heart was burning with a desire to be around those who know him like I do. My Best friends are Mikey, Olivier, and Armani. Has such a pretty ring to it don’t it. We use to take a trip every year together and we made the best memories of my life time and every time we were together was nothing but happiness in my body, soul, and spirit. I needed my friends during this tough time and I’m so glad I get to see them tonight and tomorrow. I just wanted to hug them and talk about Armani with them. I need tomorrow to be closure. I need it. These last three weeks i spent my time trying to do everything I could from afar, feeling all the emotions, and trying to help people turn to God in anyway possible. Because I know what death does, it looms over your life if you let it. It will be your every excuse for everything. You’ll have some one too many drinks and blame it on this. You’ll eat unhealthy and Balme it on this. You’ll be a sloppy version of yourself and rationalize it with dealing with this.
I keep yelling at my dog because number one he’s annoying and number two because I’m hurting. Because I’m feeling it just like you are.
Death looms if you let it. So I need this weekend to be closure. I need it to be a celebration. A remembrance. Do not tarnish the name of Armani by letting his death affect you in negative ways. Honor his life by doing your life well.
We need to leave this weekend with Joy and peace within us that Armani is in the gracious hands of God right now in heaven just vibin with some holy water and manna. Armani loved fruit! Always had it at the crib when we lived together. God in revelation 22 which is the last chapter of the Bible says:
Then the angel showed me a river with the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 It flowed down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations.
3 No longer will there be a curse upon anything. For the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and his servants will worship him. 4 And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. 5 And there will be no night there—no need for lamps or sun—for the Lord God will shine on them. And they will reign forever and ever.
Armanis good right now, he’s great, he’s home! We as his friends and family need to do this life right and do our best to live for God. Don’t just mourn the death of this person, learn something from the life of this person. The life of Armani is the proof of God’s glory shining through him and the way every heart in this room felt about him.
I will always love my friend. I will always cherish our memories. I will always love his family. I will always honor the life of my best friend. I truly can’t wait to see him again and I believe with every bone in my body he is with us all. When he looks down on us, let’s make him proud. Armani Alicea you were loved so deeply by everyone in my family and friend group and your life will be celebrated and remembered with the utmost respect. Until next time friend!
Yours truly,
Zach Ziggy.