Conserve Christ
Conserve Christ
An episode I wrote for a new Podcast called, “Texas Christian Conservative Talk”
It is hard to follow Christ in this new world we are living in. Covid changed everything and we all deep down know it. We will never go back to the way we were living before the year 2020. Remember back in 2016 when everyone said it was the worst year ever because “celebrities are dying.” Oh my has our lens changed drastically. We are seeing the world at a whole new level. Our entire view point about politics has changed. Our thoughts about our values and beliefs have changed. We are becoming aware of what our children are being taught by the schools, by the shows, the propaganda, and in all honesty by the culture. The people who fit in the minority of humans are often the loudest. Loud people enact change in behavior from lawmakers, corporations, and those who write up our policies. The change is not what the majority of people want, but it’s what the majority of what the people get.
You see our broken world right now is not only from a lack of leadership, dysfunctional families, corrupt media, and big bureaucrats. We are a world and a country living in sin. A lady at the post office who had a Jesus bracelet on her wrist and a pep in her step told me we are living in the middle of a SINDEMIC. She’s not wrong.
For decades we have immersed ourselves in self idolatry, false gods, greed, lust, perversion, sexual immorality, adultery, and many other powerfully destructive sins against God.
This year wasn’t about a virus, a government over reach, a power grab, an attack on our freedoms and liberty. Although all of those things did happen, the bigger thought wave lies on the back of truth. That truth is simple. We, as humanity, as America, as a globe, NEED TO TURN TO CHRIST. In order to do that thought, we must repent.
Look around… does it seem like people are repenting for their sins. How many people do you know that has been more vocal about their faith? This is why I started this podcast. It’s to talk about Christ in a world where not too many are talking about him. Sometimes politics and policy is a way to do that. Without a voice for Jesus at the seat of the government’s table this is exactly what led us to the position we are in 15 months after fifteen days to slow the spread.
Every Americanized Christian hits me with the same scripture out of context to try and encourage me to not talk about politics. “Just talk about Jesus.” “Don’t talk about politics when you can be talking about the gospel.” Those are the main talking points people throw at me in their midst of their discouragement. Those who haven’t even read the scripture I’m talking about have similar words. But those who do know scripture, but have yet to live by the faith, try and point me to Romans 13. Which of course says to submit to all rulers of authority as a reason not to gather on Wednesdays, and Sundays. Oh you know, with the people you do life with, worship christ with, and serve. I look at it differently here in America. We the people are the sovereign in our country. We are the government in this democracy. That’s the way it was intended to be by our founding fathers and the greatest document ever written says. The Constitution and the declaration of independence. I’ll be honest I never fully read those but then again I never would have had to if 2020 didn’t come and smack us all in the face. That smack led to change. Change the way we used to feel bout God and the way we saw the gospel of Christ! Everything has changed. I prayed about this show, I prayed about these words, and I prayed about my role and responsibility to shepherd my flock, create disciples, and tell the world about Christ.
We will talk many things on this show. We are going to be bringing you along and will be a place you can come to to get a Biblical view on the world we are living in today. We are doing something that many conservatives fail to do today. Lead others to Christ and to conserve what His Word says we should be doing in our lives. Our purpose is bigger than our party or who we voted for.
“Christian patriots spend more time washing feet than waving flags.”
We will stand for the candidate that polices most line up with and PROTECTS Biblical values. Protect meaning, respecting a private organizations stance on a certain cultural issue without it demonetizing their business, organization, or charity. Not smearing them with articles and twitter trends. We have canceled everything and everybody but you can’t cancel Christ. The truth will always overcome the lie. The light will always shine in the darkness. And Christ is the light! As it reminds us so powerfully in John chapter 1!
For the first time in our lives, majority of us have noticed the media is completely false, phony, and fake. They are brainwashing people on how to perceive the world. Majority of us don’t pay attention, we are busy working and working to glorify God. (Colossians 3:23 - “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”)
Those who are not working, are staying at home on government stimulus and unemployment frantically letting the screens tell them how to think. They are inside, away from the outside world. They have very little knowledge about what the truth is when they walk out from their neighborhood. People are still staying home; now instead of being required to stay there, they are getting paid to stay there. The fake pandemic is over, states are open, businesses are back, fans are in the stands, and Joe Biden is trying to put a sentence together. There is nearly ten million job openings in America. There are signs in every store I go to, and everyone working there looks miserable. We aren’t a joy filled society. We are a broken one that needs Christ more than ever.
I am a Christ first guy, but I also am not a holy one. I am on my walk with Christ just like everyone else who is a true believer and actively makes time for Christ in their weekly lives. Despite my shortcomings, since being baptized by the Holy Ghost I have a new intellect. I am a new creation in the way I see the world. I want to help others see their lives in the same way I have been seeing mine. We will be living in the Spirit, no longer just living in the physical. This show is to bring you in on what Christ is doing to me while living in this sinful world. In order to talk about Christ, we are going to have to be transparent about sin. No beating around the bush on this program. Everyone gives you the half hearted answers to the puzzle. Not I. Christ spoke in truths only and wasn’t concerned about your feelings. He knew the true way to make your heart feel good and that was by accepting him as Lord over your life.
I promise to keep it straight with you. I will do everything in my power to empower, educate, and equip you with a Christ-like platform that will pinpoint the areas of our culture, politics, and country that need just a little more Jesus. Us Christians have rarely been tested here in America, here in Texas, and here in this post modern world. We have let all the seats in government, media, corporations, entertainment, and even mega churches be taken by The Enemy. Yes, Satan is in the Church too. False gospels and False Christ are the spirit of the anti-christ. In order to discern false teachers, you need to have the Word of God on your heart.
Right Now! Not tomorrow, not Sunday, not when the kids go back to school. Right Now is the time to get up and pick up your cross and follow Christ. Follow him so aggressively that people are following behind you to follow Him! Be a leader in this world of followers. Be a shepherd in a world of sheep. Be different. Be bold. Be Christ-Like.
Protect yourself from the Play-Doh Christ we have created in this capitalist, prosperity gospel teaching, new age Christianity. I’m talking about the Christ of the Bible that declares he is “The One who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One “ - Revelation 1:8
We don’t need BFF jesus, or socialist jesus, or extra loving hippie Jesus… NO we need the Jesus who told us every knee will bow and every tongue will confess… Jesus is Lord!
I encourage you to take what you read and let it marinate on your mind and heart. We in America think worshipping God is just for Sundays! No! Loving Jesus is a daily pursuit! Like it says in Luke 9:23 “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Daily! It says daily. Take Up Your Cross And Follow Me is also written 24 other times in the Bible in a plethora of locations by different writers. We must repent and trust in Christ to heal our nation, our humanity, and our souls! It’s really all we have at this point and I am blessed to know what team I am on when the Lord returns. Do you?