Love God, Fear God. It’s the same thing.
I love God…
I love God for creating all things and out of all of those amazing, beautiful things, he chose little ole me to create. He not only created me. He chose me. Designed me. He also gave me so many beautiful things to go along with it. He gave me a wife who is a better person than me, better looking than me, and has known Jesus longer than me. He gave me a son who is the best person I’ve ever met and has had the biggest piece of my heart since I was 19 years old. God not only gave me Noah at 19. He also blessed me with an opportunity to provide for him, take care of him, and love him every day. He gave me the common sense on how to be a good dad… A Loving Dad. A Fun Dad. A Dad I always wanted. Most importantly, a Dad I always wanted to be. God gave me the ability to identify who I wanted to be as a Dad from a very young age. I was a co parent to a kid when I still felt like a kid. At times I was selfish, but majority of the time I made my self selfless.
God created me and blessed me with not only a wife, a beautiful souled 7 year old son, and all opportunities to feel as though I was a good man. He then blessed me with a child naturally birthed by my wife. She’s an animal. Heart of a lion. The person I love deeply in my soul, had my child. That’s her child. That is God’s child. He put us together after many failed relationships and ungodly mistakes. That is God’s child. Malachi and Noah are God’s children.
“I love God man. He blessed me before I even knew I was blessed. ”
I love God..
He then on top of all of that He provided me the energy, the passion, the desire, the fuel in my tank to pursue a dream I’ve had maybe my whole life. I loved stand up with every bone in my body. I would have done anything for good stage time. I would have paid them for a 20 minute spot in front of 200 people.
I told God it is my dream to do stand up and it’s even more of a dream to one day do stand up and be able to provide financially for my family in stand up. And guys. He did that. I quit my job two weeks before coronavirus popped off in march 2020. I quit because I was going to be able to pay my bills doing stand up while my wife stayed at home with our baby, which is her dream. I did that!
No, I didn’t. God allowed me to do that. He gave me blessing after blessing. Opened door after door. Shook hands with people that led to better things. Had people’s support. Had love. Had appreciation. Had a name. Had respect. God gave me that! God took that away…
So fear God…
Fear God, or Love God it’s the same thing. I Love God maybe because I fear God. But I also don’t fear God because I love God. God took that away for a reason! He didn’t take that little boy away. He didn’t take that new mom away. He didn’t take that baby away. He didn’t take me away. He could have, there were plenty of opportunities. People would have accepted it. “Oh covid got him.”
“Car accident.”
“Oh Zach died, well the world’s crazy right now so… That’s a bummer?”
He had plenty of chances.
God took away the thing I thought was my dream. God took that passion I once had away and completely redirected it on a much higher level. I’m okay with that “thing” being gone. That “thing” I thought would make me happy. Attention, fame, and success. I loved the stage hated the before and after. Maybe I still love the stage. The stage is this. It’s telling people about God. It’s telling people about me. My life, my experiences, my heart for God. Maybe I am put here to influence your heart to pursue Him more. Here about him more. People have shown me more genuine love for doing this podcast in two months than they had in 3 years of doing stand up. Probably because I wasn’t very funny. Oh Zinger!
God loves me…
He’s got me. He always has. I use to wanna be a cop, I graduated from a 6 month program where I spent everyday at the academy. I took driving courses, shooting classes, fighting classes, handcuffing courses, I got pepper sprayed. I even won awards in my class, and was one of the most respected guys in my graduating class. A few months after graduating while job hunting, I got turned down by 3 agencies back to back to back. God took that away from me. And GOOD. I’d be miserable if I was a cop right now, are you kidding me. You think my family would love me or respect me or be proud to call me Dad. Nah b!
God took care of me. He took away one of my dreams and gave me a new one.
I wanted to be a music artist. Storytelling over a beat was my vibe. All of the music displayed how broken I was.
I made two albums and the second one got published by an online record company. I was on Spotify and iTunes before anyone could be on there, back when it was an honor. I loved music so much. That was my dream. I even made two songs about God on there before I even really knew Him well. Then after I recorded the second album, I started to fall in love with a girl that made me not want to write about heart break anymore. That was my wife. God gave me her and took away that dream I once had. Is it still there? No not really. I love music always will, but that’s not for me anymore. Telling people how dope Jesus is, yeah I think that’s what’s now and forever for me.
God then gave me an amazing 3 years with the good memories, life lessons, and true love for stand up comedy. I learned more in 3 years pursuing that than I would have ever learned working a nine to five. I performed over 700 times in 3 years all with the amazing grace and support of my wife. God called us to leave everything I’ve ever known in Florida and we moved to Texas and have never looked back. We have only looked forward.
Guys, I need you to do something. Love God. Because this is the truth. God blessed me with all of that. All of those beautiful things in my life. All of those removals of dreams. All of those new doors opening. Ima talk to God real quick… All of the love you gave me. You gave me that love before I even knew you. Before I ever Loved you. Before I even stopped to take the time to know you.
Before this dream snatcher Coronavirus. Before this unemployment crisis. Before all of that I didn’t even know what you really did for me. I didn’t know what Jesus did for me. You sent us him. He is everything to me and you are proving that to me. In my times of sorrow and worry, you tell me I’m going to be okay. In my times of anger, you remind me that’s not the way. When I make mistakes and my heart doesn’t reflect christ you show me that later. You are working on me. Because you love me, you always have. You want me to tell people about you so I will. You want me to read about you, write about you, and speak about you. So I will. Not just because I love you.
But also because I fear you. I see what you can remove. I see what you can change. I see the world you can shake. I fear my master, but I love my master because He loves me. He made me, who am I to not fear nor love Him. Without him I am not even ashes, because even God created ashes.
I fear him, but only if I fail. Fail consistently, fail by laziness, fail because of ego.
Dear God, I fear you if I fail to achieve what you want me to achieve. I fear you if I fail to do what you have called me to do, what you have called all of us to do. Which is love Christ, serve Christ, show people Christ and tell people about Christ.
My words have power on this podcast. For some reason they do. I can already tell that, because God is showing me that. My words aren’t here to entertain you. They really aren’t. Church ain’t supposed to be entertaining. Loving the lord is an amazing feeling but I wouldn’t exactly classify it first as entertaining.
This podcast, I can’t even label it. Is it spirituality? Is it educational? Is it self improvement? Is it all of that?
Jesus is all of that. Loving God is all of that. Doing what you’re called to do out of Love. I fear God because I respect God. I also fear the world getting into my mind and corrupting the pursuit that I’m on. I won’t let it happen though. He is bigger than all of my fears. He knows I am going to love Him and bring others closer to Him. Why can’t you? You, the person listening. Why can’t you do the same thing I’m doing. Which is loving the lord every day of your life, not just on Sunday or when it’s convenient for you. Maybe you do. Maybe that’s why this podcast is doing well numbers wise. Because you guys are loving the lord every chance you get.
I love God man. He blessed me before I even knew I was blessed.
Why would I ever worry? Why would I ever stress what’s going on in the world? Why would I ever stress how I’m going to provide for my family? He’s got me, he always has.
So now this time, when Texas shuts down again and I can’t go back to work as soon as I thought I could. Hey it’s okay. I’m exactly where I need to be. With my family, and most important in my alone time and studies with God. I love my studies so much and this is a part of my studies.
Guys If I could do 5 episodes a week for you guys I would. The numbers just aren’t there yet. Doing it five days a week Is the dream though. Doing this on a big level would be amazing. I pray God makes that happen if it’s His will. I understand though It all can’t come at once. I think he wants me to have more time in the game, and to sharpen the knife a little better, and get even closer to him with time and knowledge. Hence why ya boy is going to school in the fall.
Again, an example of God closing one door and opening another one. A huge one in my eyes.
I’ll leave you with this, I am trying to do my best for you guys. You are all souls I feel called to reach. From friends to strangers. From strangers to my family that listens to this. I love you and I want to help you in any way I can get closer to God and see how special he really is. He changes lives. He loves you and if you love him I promise your life will improve drastically.
Send this to a person who needs this
And remember
Love God, Fear God. It’s the same thing.