Renewing Our Minds
We all want success. The definition of success may look a little different for everyone, yet the end result usually has the same thing in common. It all started with a positive mindset. Not only a positive one, but one that is resilient to failure, doubt, and insecurities. In our culture, we are conditioned to want success but also conditioned to hate those who achieve it. Jealousy and envy are the sisters of complacency. Generally speaking, we would rather have success be handed to us on a silver plater without having to put in the work to achieve it. Not you though, you’re different. You are here for it all, the blessings, the lessons, and the growth that comes with pursuing God.
You know it takes more than stimulus checks to come up in this country. You know the power that is inside you is one of God not one of man. We at the Birdhouse don’t conform to the patterns of this world. We are built differently and we have to live in that truth all while tweaking our mindset to match that truth.
The greatest enemy to the life that you want may be the life you are currently living.
A tough pill to swallow but a truth many of us are living in 2022. Our current situations, our current struggles, and our current strongholds are what hold us back from living the life we really want.
I’ve been in that boat and I’m slowly but surely beginning to see the shore. I learned a long time ago that there is also a risk in taking No Risk. The greatest step I made on my journey to success was shifting my mindset to a place of self-belief. Not because of my own talents, abilities, or character but because of the way God sees me and has created me to be. He has a purpose for my life and he has a purpose for your life.
Romans 12:2
When you surrender your life into the hands of God Almighty, your life will begin to change. You will have a new mind. We mentioned earlier not conforming to the patterns of this world. The apostle Paul in the book of Romans says it this way, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
This renewal of the mind is what comes when you get that spiritual experience with God. I can’t give you that, I can only speak from my own experiences with it and hope it touches you in a way that leads to your own spiritual experience. God opens the doors to new thoughts which leads to transformation. You start to see yourself in the image of God. You stop to see yourself in the image of society, man, and the lies of the enemy.
Shifting your mindset is not easy. It takes work. It’s a day-by-day process. Look at it as building a house, it’s brick by brick. It’s rebuking the negative self-talk and re-assuring yourself what the truth is about your life. You were born to be great. You were born to do something amazing and live out the will of God. Culture wants you to dabble in everything. Culture wants you to have no moral compass, no spiritual values, and no foundation. The world wants you to go in every direction except up. Up there is where you find the answers to life and discover your purpose. There’s a reason it’s called leveling up. Shoot for the moon and land amongst the stars. Believe in yourself and watch what happens on the other side of the shift.
The mind is a vulnerable thing, we have to guard it and protect it with the truth. We are living in a time where the world is constantly pressing buttons trying to tell you what to think, how to act, and what to accept as moral. If you ask me it seems like the definition of morality is changing year by year. What used to be viewed as wrong is being viewed as right. The prophet Isaiah said it this way, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” We are living in this backward society and it’s as important as ever to be on the ride side of history. The mind is the first thing the enemy comes for and we don’t vibe with the enemy.
“The mind is the first thing the enemy comes for and we don’t vibe with the enemy. ”
The best way to get this truth is to be anchored in God’s word. The world tries to tell you lies about everything. You have to have a default setting in your mind through which you filter information through. If you are open to anything and everything, you will believe in nothing. In order for truth to exist, there has to be an absolute truth or the pursuit of truth would be meaningless. Relative truth is a common way of thinking in today’s world. This leads to generational confusion and this may be the reason we are in the mess that we are in right now in this country. All roads don’t lead to truth and they lied when they said. “all religions lead to heaven.” The absence of objective truth is culture's biggest flaw right now. We have to guard our minds against what the world’s view is and start to shift our mindset to be biblically sound.
Prosperity comes when your mindset is in the right place. An abundance of blessings come your way when you are blocking out the noise of the world and honing in on your divine purpose for your life. Success comes when you are grounded in your faith. The meaning in your life shines bright when you shift your mind into seeing yourself in the way God sees you. I can promise you that.
Tips / Guidance
1. Check Your Fuel Level
Every day we are fueling our minds with positive or negative thoughts.
Check your fuel gauge to determine how much positivity vs negativity you are consuming. Are you scrolling too much? Watching and reading stuff that brings out negative emotions?
What daily positive actions do you take?
Are you exercising to operate in a peak state, listening to educational or inspirational podcasts, watching motivational videos, spending quality time with family and friends, and engaging in 'real' conversations? Being intentional with your free time is the best way to keep your mindset in a positive direction.
2. Word Check
Become aware of the words you use in your daily life. The book of wisdom also known as Proverbs says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
Notice the words you frequently use to describe the events in your life?
How often do you repeat the same statements?
Do you use empowering or disempowering language? I can, I am, I will vs I can't, I won't, I don't know how. Speak life and watch what happens to your everyday life.
3. Inspirational Crew
How would you describe the crew you associate with at work and at home?
Are you surrounding yourself with inspirational people, people that make you feel amazing and accept you for you, or are you surrounded by toxic people who are constantly blaming, complaining, and whining about their life and their circumstances?
A tell-tale sign is your energy levels - uplifting people give you more energy and toxic people drain it. As you can tell, I like to be around relaxed, chill, and easy-going people that lift me up instead of tear me down.
4. Level Up
In order to level up your mindset, you need to be able to manage your emotions.
The best way to do this is to take the time to meditate daily. When you meditate it allows you to act in a calm manner, improves your decision-making, and makes you feel more relaxed and able to go with the flow in life. You can mediate to music, silence, and even God’s word.
When you are unable to manage your emotions you will find that you easily fly into a rage, constantly fight with others, and unable to resolve conflicts with ease.
5. Keep Shining Bright
When your light is shining bright, people and new experiences rush to join your party. They help you achieve your dreams, celebrate your victories with you, all while living life to the fullest around you.
When you aren’t operating in good vibes on a consistent basis, people will leave your life faster than a party that has run out of champagne.
High levels of happiness and abundance of energy create momentum and bring a rush of experiences, interesting people, and life-changing opportunities.
Closing Remarks
Your mindset is the kick starter to the life you want to live. The greatest enemy to the life that you want may just be the life you are currently living. Don’t give the enemy the power to say, “you can’t change.” We are all a few decisions away from radically improving our lives and head space. It’s brick by brick and I believe in you. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.