Vibin’ with Jesus Shirts - In Honor of Armani Alicea

I hesitated to make these shirts. They had to be perfect. They had to represent everything that Armani represented in the way he lived. They had to give glory to Christ while honoring my brother. Sending my idea off to an artist was a risk. I paid someone before I even saw their work. I figured they wouldn’t see my vision and I would look elsewhere or just scrap the idea and keep it moving. God is good though and the artist nailed my vision and was super generous with all of my revisions, tweaks, and little details that made sure Armani was represented and honored beautifully. From the bracelet with the notorious W. W. J. D. on it all the way to making sure he had a wedding ring on his finger. Every detail mattered to me and I’m truly so proud of the design.

Armani was an angel on this earth and he was called home right before his wedding and his daughter’s second birthday. It was the hardest season of my life and the anniversary of it all was even harder. So many lives were impacted by his death and even more so were impacted by his life. I wanted that to be clear on the design while reminding people the reason Armani was always such a light…. because that boy was just Vibin with Jesus!

I hope everyone that knows him and loves him gets a shirt and wears it proudly going into this new year. I will always do my best to keep his name alive and this is one of the ways I wanted to do with my platform and podcast. He’s my best friend who I wish I could call every few days and the grieving for him and his family never get’s easier - we all just get better at masking it. Instead of sulking in the sadness, I am choosing to honor him and I encourage you to do the same, it truly helps.

I can write a million words about my friend and one day I believe I will. But for now... Here’s some super dope shirts to rock in 2022! Load up for the holidays! I got some fresh hats for you as well and even marked down my season 1 shirts in case you want to get an extra shirt letting the world know that God is Good and Jesus is Dope!

This Season 2 Shop closes January 1st so get your orders in and PLEASE SHARE THE SHIRTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA so all his friends and family can see. Much love to Armani’s incredible family and lovely wife Kelly for being so supportive of it all.

Let’s Go! #AliceaStrong #Let’sGrowinOurFaithTogether

Vibin' with Jesus - Armani T-Shirt Vibin' with Jesus - Armani T-Shirt Vibin' with Jesus - Armani T-Shirt
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Vibin' with Jesus - Armani T-Shirt

Vibin’ with Jesus was always the plan for the second season shirts. I wanted to honor my best friend while honoring Christ at the same time. Armani was an angel of a human and will spend etenrity Vibin’ With Jesus.

Thank you for your support and for helping me honor my best friend.



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