Album Mode
This blog is going to be one that is going to let you guys know what direction I’m going in. It will be Christ centered but this is a very personal episode I am giving you guys to bring you along with me on this next season of the ministry and the walk with Christ of Zach Rippey.
I am now about to be in album mode. Album Mode is what I describe it as because I was a huge fan of hip hop before Christ and I know what an artist does when they are actively recording an album. Album Mode for an artist means everything changes. Your focus is all about that album. Everything you are doing in life is elevating yourself to be able to record the best album of your career. Kanye West albums are all sonically so different, and brilliant, there is a reason they call him a musical genius. Because when Kanye west is in album mode he intellectually and internally changes his entire setting, his habits, and his mindset. For instance when he recorded his fourth album he went to Hawaii to a studio and everyone he flew in to work on that album wore suits in the studio and the professionalism he had and dedication for the album was shown beautifully in the music.
I am not comparing myself to Kanye West here but I am taking on the mindset of Album Mode for this next project I am going to be dedicating my life too. That project is my book. I am going to finish writing a book I started before Armani passed away. I am going to dedicate 3-4 days of my week to working on it this summer when my oldest son Noah gets here. I have been setting myself up this whole past month of may and June to get to this point.
This is what I wanted to share with you guys that I think will help you out as well. Doing this book is going to be like building a house. But in order to build a house you need the right tools, the time, and most importantly the strong foundation. I can’t build this house without those. So with the book, I needed to lay down the bricks before I got to this point to where im adding the doors and windows. In other words, I had to get my habits and weak human tendencies in check.
God reveled to me what I needed to eliminate week by week. For about 6 weeks into our RV journey I realized how addicted I was with checking the stock market and being on my phone throughout my entire day. Keep in mind, I am living in an RV full time and do not have a job while out here. I freelance write from time to time, and I focus on this ministry. I am also a full time father to a handsome little rascal that keeps my wife and I more than busy. I have little time for distractions and I’ve created a world that despises them. Every week I am waking up in a new city and most of the time a new state. I have created a life millions of people dream about and I was plugged into the world and worried about my stock portfolio. I was embarrassed to call myself a follower of Christ after God revealed this to me. I wrote and prayed about it one night and God gave me the solution and is helping me break the chains. I am living with my phone detached from me more than it’s been in years and it’s been liberating for my mind, body, and soul. Yes my body, I have more time to stretch when im not looking at my phone. I have more time to want to work out as well. God helped reveal this weakness of mine and gave me the disciple, fortitude, and willingness to change my habits up. How do you do it Zach? I check it in the morning and night but the middle of the day is when it’s gone. You can do it your own way but this is the way that works for me. Do I do this every single day? No but the days I do it now are more than the others and most importantly I’ve done it enough to know it works and is needed for this book to be written. My mind is more clear, my thoughts are about this ministry, and my mind is building the bricks for this book to be written!
“My dream is to live in the mountains and write books in the winter. Not books about me, but books about He.”
There’s a lot of pressure when it comes to writing a book, especially when you have a community of people you are telling you’re going to write a book. It’s not easy to finish a book. Because you only get one chance to tell someone what you want them to know about you and most importantly what you want them to know about Christ. I only tell you guys about me, so I can tell you about He.
It’s my life purpose to tell you about Christ. God reveled that to me when I first got saved and I hold onto that calling more than I’ve held onto anything in life. I will be honest. It’s so hard to be a voice and a follower of Christ. I get attacked by the enemy so much that it will blow your mind. I share a lot with you guys, almost everything but there are things that will have to be shared when the time is right or maybe not at all. If this first book does well, there will be many more to come. My dream is to live in the mountains and write books in the winter. Not books about me, but books about He. I don’t do it for the “many,” I do it for the “One.” One day, that “one” will turn into “Many.”
God reveled to me the following week, I need to be active. I need to be moving in the day time, working out if I can, and exploring this beautiful world that he created. Being psychically in shape is a big component to a healthy mind, energy levels, and spiritual strength. The heavier I get, the easier it is for the enemy to attack. Life is better when you got less of a belly and more of a tricep. I always say, “Life is better when you're doing push-ups everyday.”
You know what stops you from doing push-ups everyday? Distractions, laziness, and your own destructive thoughts. One thing that was stopping me was beer. I love beer. I love the way it feels holding one, sipping on one, cracking one open, and enjoying it on a hot day. Let’s get real, beer makes me bloated, sleep more, and be lazy with my body and with my mind. If I drink too many beers I can’t write a podcast, how in the world am I going to drink beer and write a book. God reveled to me that this habit has to go too. I am in ALBUM MODE… I can’t be buzzed working on a book about God. Let’s just be real. It’s an ugly habit I have picked up and I am getting to the age where I want to let it go. I drink beer because my dad drank beer. I kind of see that now the more I know Christ. Although we drink beer for different reasons, it is still something that can turn into a problem if I’m not careful and a lot of times I say something stupid to someone and I do that enough when I’m sober. I have to think about this from a Christ-Like position. I love beer but do I want my kids to grow up seeing Dad has beer every few days…. No. I rather it be once in a blue moon than oh look a fresh six pack of blue moons every time we go to Kroger. I’m not a beta so I don’t actually drink Blue Moons but you get my point.
As much as I don’t want to break these habits and change them. It’s the only way I will write a book I am proud of. I tell you guys this, in hopes that you will have something in your life coming up that you need to be in Album Mode for. I’m not there yet, but I promise you it will change your entire life for all the better. So many of us live stagnant lives and brand it as content. As followers of Christ we are called to give Him Glory in all things we do and actively be attempting to minister to others.
I am quickly learning that ministering to others doesn’t just mean to strangers, associates, friends, and the birdhouse. It even means ministering to your family. I was in a funk a couple nights ago on our first night at our annual family beach vacation. I was in a funk because I was feeling unproductive while being here and my wife Katherine said something so brilliant. My wife is as wise as she is beautiful. She said, “Sometimes building relationships, being face to face, is more productive than doing your podcast.” Her mom and I had a similar discussion the next night about it and serving your family, asking them questions, and lifting them up is a way of spreading the gospel of Jesus. Your ministry starts with your family and if you have a thousand listeners an episode is that more important than your own family? If your family is not right because you are busy doing ministry for other people outside your home, then you have the gospel of Christ twisted.
Glorifying, loving, and telling the world about Christ is my calling. I hope to continue to see the fruit of that calling. Not just through this show, website, and the book. But most importantly in my real life - face to face relationships. I have to stop thinking in the physical - numbers, positive messages, and monetary gains. I have to start thinking in the spiritual - Love, Spirit, and Truth. Who’s the man behind the curtain? Is he walking the walk? Or just talking the talk?
I just completed year one of Bible College. Straight A’s so far and I’m learning more in a year than I did in any other thing I’ve pursued in my life. All that education, knowledge, and writings for Christ that comes in the future is meaningless if I don’t have a family to go home to; when the winter snow melts and the newest book is finished. I have big dreams but it’s because I have an even bigger God. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Philippians 4:13
I encourage you to read your Bible today. Write in your journal. Write down what your next album is going to be and get into ALBUM MODE. All for the glory of God and see the fruit along the way. See your life and other lives changed by the power of Christ and rest your thoughts on eternal ones.
Thank you for listening. It’s always a pleasure getting real with you guys and having someone to bounce my deep thoughts off of. Your support to this ministry means everything to me. Listening and allowing Christ to impact your life means more to me than t shirt sales or Facebook post. They are appreciated both so much and thank you to everyone who has bought a shirt and has just put on so hard for this show in it’s first year of life. We are the I Like Birds Ministry and I thank you for being a part of the birdhouse. I love you and check out some of the previous episodes if you want some more JESUS! If you would like to support our ministry you can do so below. Please join our mailing list for more blogs, episodes, merch, and Jesus!
“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”