The Way, The Truth, The Life
God chose us to know him. By his grace he has revealed himself to us. I am one of the luckiest people on the planet. I get to know God. I get to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
David says in Psalm 18 verse 6, “But in my distress I cried out to the Lord; Yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from His sanctuary.; my cry to him reached his ears.”
We are so special to God, but more importantly for us to realize is how special God is to us. We are not the center of the Gospel. Christ is. I must not see myself as special because God chose me. I must see God as special for choosing me. He completely didn’t have to. There are 7 billion other people here in this sliver of time, but he chose a low-income, self worshipping, frequent sinner like me.
Why do Christians not enjoy listening to crude music? Because followers of Christ want Gods word in their head rather than the worlds words. (Jesus says that the Devil is the God of this World)
Continuing in Psalm 18, Verse 19, David says “He left me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me.”
A lot of us are still wrapping our minds around this truth. Jesus’ spirit delights in us. How delighted we should feel. The light of Christ is destroying the over staying darkness inside of us. When we grow in our faith, it also means Christ and His spirit are pouring in and out of us.
“Christ is the ONLY way to get to the Father" God Almighty Himself. The Most High can only be reached through His son, Jesus Christ.
The more we acknowledge this within ourselves the better we will be. We’ve talked recently about how important it is to love God with all your mind and that means getting the word of God in you on a DAILY basis. Spending time with Jesus in the morning everyday reminds you of this truth. Your day goes so much better and the way you are spiritually in tune with the physical world will have you leaping for joy as you go to a job you don’t like, or are around people you aren’t the biggest fan of, or are even in a place in life where you feel stagnant. Jesus time in the morning leads to saying “hello” to a stranger, playing with your children and actually enjoying it, it means cleaning up the house willingly because Christ is working through me. Jesus controls my lips, my thoughts, and He moves my body in the direction He wants it to go.
David continues in verse 20, “The lord rewarded me for doing right; He restored me because of my innocence. For I have kept the ways of the Lord, I have not turned from my God to follow evil.” In other words following Christ over the Culture. Obeying the word instead of obeying the world.
That’s why it’s so important to study who Christ react was and really is. Our minds falling into a state of miraculous love can only be the way we will honor and do the will of God. We can’t blindly follow. We can’t mold Christ into who we want him to be. He can’t be American Jesus. Guru Jesus, Braveheart Jesus, Hippie Jesus. Progressive Jesus. No! We as the body of Christ and proud members of the birdhouse! AKA the I like Birds Ministry. We must be infatuated with the word of God and obediently follow Jesus of the Bible.
Here’s something that must be talked about in a powerful way today… It rarely gets address in our sensitive world we are living in today. The only way to know God is to know Christ. I will say it again... The only way to know God is to know Christ! That’s what he means when he says, “The only way to the Father is through me.” That’s why Jesus himself says, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” That’s why he says, “Anyone who believes in me will have eternal life.” That’s why he boldly professes, “if you know me you will also know the Father.”
You can not know the God of this universe in any other way. Anyone who tells you they can is either lying to you, worshipping the wrong god, or my favorite are just a tad misguided and are eager to know Christ and He just hasn’t been presented in the real way yet. Ayyyy tell a friend about the show!
In Revelation chapter 17, it clearly states one day there will be one world religion after the rapture. That one world religion is everyone else that doesn’t believe in Christ as the son of God and he died on the cross, and rose three days later and through him we have eternal life. It’s pretty simple. Those who believe in Jesus, and those who don’t. Those lost and misguided souls will be stuck here for seven years trying to decide if they believe in Christ or they believe in following the Anti Christ. (I’m still studying end times prophesy so bare with me on this one)
One of my favorite quotes I’ve written. I hope it hits.
I’ll say this, and I love this so much and I hope it strikes you like it struck me when I wrote it. Believing in God without Christ is like believing in a lightbulb, but not believing in the source.
Because as the best friend of Jesus says in John 1:3, “God created everything through Christ, and nothing was created except though him.”
That makes Christ the source of all life. John continues, “The Word (Christ) gave life to everything that was created, and His life brought life to everyone. The light shines life to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish the light.”
Maybe you are taking in these words right now and you need more. Jesus himself said, “I entered this world to render judgement - to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.
So many people think they know God. They think they know him in other religions. They think they are spiritually on his level. They believe in the universe or label God as a higher power. There is only one God almighty, the creator of the heavens and the earth. Christ was face to face with the father during all of creation. That is biblical doctrine, not my opinion.
Do all people who believe in God through Muhammad, Buddha, or even the torah get saved? No! Verse 41 in John 9 says, “If you were blind, you wouldn’t be guilty, But you remain guilty because you claim you can see.”
You claiming to know God in other ways besides through Christ, is not knowing God. You know the idea of God and believe in the idea, but the relationship and the understanding of who God is can only be fully represented through His son Jesus Christ.
Let’s get back to Psalms to unpack this even further. Chapter 18 verse 27-30 says, “You rescue the humble, but you humiliate the proud. You light a lamp for me. The lord, my God, lights up my darkness, God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove to be true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. For who is God except the Lord?
That Lord, David speaks of, is the Man Jesus Christ. Keep in mind David wrote and prophesied this hundred of years before Christ was even born.
“I Jesus am the true vine, and my father is the vine dresser.” John 15:1
There is one Spirit. One Lord. One God and father of all who is over all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4: 4-6
Like we stated earlier, we must be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually be aware that God chose us as His children. As brothers and sisters in Christ. Luke 1:35 says, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will over shadow you; and for that reason the holy child shall be called the Son of God.”
Christ is the only way to the father. Jesus does not lie. Jesus does not break or forget promises He’s made. He is 100 percent truth. With a lot of haters! Think of the most beloved dude living in 2021. It’s hard to even think of who that is… Because there are so many haters. You can be the nicest guy in the world and still have haters. Jesus was the Son of God and still has haters. Then and Now! Don’t let the haters tell you what to think about Jesus Christ. Form your own relationship, and understanding of Him and watch how he changes your life from the inside out.
“For through Christ we both have our access in one spirit to the father.” Ephesians 2:18.
We can go to God about anything and we can rest in his protection. We can trust in His will. We can know him now all because of the SOURCE of the lightbulb. Jesus Christ. The Lord Lives! Praise God! May the God of my salvation forever be exalted!
“Don’t let the haters tell you what to think about Jesus Christ..”